速報APP / 娛樂 / Event!t - We are our memories

Event!t - We are our memories





版本需求:Android 因裝置而異




Event!t - We are our memories(圖1)-速報App

Event!t is your new picture app for all your events. It provides the most seamless sharing experience. Event!it organises all your memories, in high resolution, for you, your friends and your family. Because we are our memories, Event!t makes sure you never lose them.

The Event!t app allows you to:

Event!t - We are our memories(圖2)-速報App

- Create private events for your family and friends

- Invite participants from your contacts or share an invitation link through your favorite messaging app (WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger...)

Event!t - We are our memories(圖3)-速報App

- Upload pictures from your phone’s gallery or via the camera quickly and easily

- See instantaneously all images shared by the event's participants

Event!t - We are our memories(圖4)-速報App

- Save space on your phone: we keep all the pictures for you on the cloud

- Access your favorite pictures in high resolution by downloading it to your phone

Event!t - We are our memories(圖5)-速報App

- Do you want to get all high-resolution pictures at once on your computer? Nothing easier with Event!t. We send you an email with a single download link.

Join us now! And create your shared album with your friends for your next birthday, wedding, new-years eve, etc.

Event!t - We are our memories(圖6)-速報App